

巴西(Brazil)秘鲁(Peru) 的代理出口

When you need to get your cargo through Customs quickly and efficiently...we deliver.
In order to effectively move any product from a carrier to a destination, you need to have the correct documentation for the government's Customs department in the country of import. As documentation specialists, we work with Distributors, Manufacturers, Logistics Executives, and E-Commerce businesses to prepare all paperwork, merchandise appraisals, and all of the classifications required to move cargo from importing carrier to ultimate consignee. Our staff remains current with constantly changing Customs regulations and Treasury decisions to insure proper classification and compliance with existing law. We further evaluate the manner in which the Customs Service appraises merchandise and are available to review liquidations and regulatory decisions.


ARE 阿雷西沃机场 TJAB 阿雷西沃 波多黎各
BQN海关 拉斐尔-埃尔南德斯机场 TJBQ 阿瓜迪亚 波多黎各
VQS TJVQ 别克斯岛 波多黎各
PPD 帕尔马斯德尔马尔机场 帕尔马斯德尔马 波多黎各
您还可以放心,Western Overseas Corporation 会在每一步都为您的货物提供照料。我们经验丰富的行业空运代理专家团队 24/7 全天候为您服务,以确保您的货物顺利及时交付。我们的全球代理网络确保现场决策,允许优先空运的立即转移和交付。

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